Friday, January 17, 2020

Friday writing activity on immigration

  • Class work: The students will be writing and submitting an online writing assignment. They will use their own computers or get the Chromebook assigned to their seat to create a Google doc. They will share that document with me (my email address that they will use to share the document is: JKerwin@sjusd.org). The document needs to be shared and finalized by the end of the period.
  • They will use the two-page handout contrasting the reaction to immigration in the 1840s-1850s with the reaction to immigration in the 1910s-1920s.
    • I have also posted a two-page PDF file of the portion of the textbook that deals with the immigration in the 1910s-1920s (they may want to read this to gain more background on the topic). In addition, there is a PDF copy of the handout on immigration that the students can access in the “Files and Links” page if there are not enough copies for everyone.
  • The document they will create will include:
    • a thesis statement for the prompt
    • two supporting paragraphs
      • each paragraph should be 6-10 sentences long
      • each paragraph should have a main idea
      • each paragraphs should have evidence that is connected to the main idea of the paragraph
    • at least one paragraph should be how the two reactions to immigration differed and the second paragraph may be a second difference or could be a similarity
    • The document they create does NOT have to include:
      • contextualization
      • a third supporting paragraph
      • a conclusion