Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Confirm your AP exam status by Nov. 13

I received this information this morning from the school's front office:

  • Paying for an AP test through the payment envelope/bank does NOT mean they are automatically signed up for the AP test. They need to be registered through myap.collegeboard.org for each test they are taking in order for the test to be ordered for them.
  • Please have all students check their account at https://myap.collegeboard.org to see if their account correctly reflects the tests they will and will not (tests they opted out of) be taking. 
  • If students are not registered for a test they have already paid for, they need to do so ASAP today. The join codes you shared with your classes at the beginning of the year are still working. If they need to register for a test that they are self-studying for, please have them see me.
  • If you have an issue or question on this, please see Ms. Chu in the front office ASAP