Thursday, May 16, 2019

Procedure for requesting a letter of recommendation for your senior year

If you would like me to write you a letter of recommendation, here is what you will need to do.
- You will type up a one-page request. No more than one page.
- You will submit to the folder on Turnitin.com classroom by 11:59 p.m. on Friday, May 31.
- In the letter, you will include one paragraph explaining why you would like me specifically to write you a letter of recommendation. In other words, why do you want me instead of other teachers to write you a letter?
- In the letter, you also will include one paragraphing explaining what things you would like me to include in your letter, should I write one for you. My goal is to get these so that I can write them over the summer and this section will help me write a more personalized letter for you.
- Include in the request your email so I can let you know over the summer if I will be able to write you a letter of recommendation.