Tuesday, December 11, 2018

First semester review activity

Due by start of class on Thursday (but you can turn them in early):
  • Poster:
    • Thesis statement (including reasoning point)
    • Three pieces of evidence supporting your reasoning point
    • Each piece of evidence should have two bullet pointed statements (1. Definition and 2. Connection to Reasoning Point)
  • Kahoot
    • Set up an account on Kahoot and create a 10-12 question quiz based on the Key Concepts (pick a section from the same unit as your prompt).
    • No more than three joke questions.
    • Answers should be educational, not simple or trivial.
    • Share with me (my user name is: JoeKerwin)
Key concept 1.2: Improvements in maritime technology and more organized methods for conducting international trade, such as joint-stock companies, helped drive changes to economies in Europe and the Americas.
  • Simplistic question: What did the Europeans use to conduct trade during the Columbian Exchange time?
    • Steam ships
    • Airplanes
    • Joint-stock companies
    • Wagon Trains
  • Better question: How did joint-stock companies help the Europeans improve their international trade during the time of the Columbian Exchange?
    • They allowed for mutual cooperation between the imperial nations.
    • The system allowed for the natives to work jointly with the Europeans, sharing in the wealth of the colonies.
    • They allowed for investors to pool their capital and share the risks.
    • The system used drugs as a way to pacify and control the native populations.