Monday, September 24, 2018

Optional Edpuzzle videos

Students who parents/guardians sign the waiver form can earn additional (not bonus) points by completing the Edpuzzle video quizzes.

For first period, the link is: https://edpuzzle.com/join/jujliwi
For third period, the link is: https://edpuzzle.com/join/mabnuni

Be sure to read the following instructions BEFORE starting the quizzes (which are all optional).
  • The optional online Edpuzzle quizzes are each worth five points. These are due by 9:00 PM on the date listed in the study guide calendar. There is no late work for the optional quizzes.Students will watch the video, section by section, answering questions online as they go. 
  • Each quiz is worth five points. Students can get one question wrong and still get a full score. After that, the first wrong answer is a 0.5 point deduction and then each wrong answer is an additional one point deduction. The number of questions per quiz will vary. The number of quizzes per unit also will vary.
  • Note that while students cannot skip ahead until they have watched each section, once they have finished a section, then they can go back and review them as they are answering the questions for that section of the video. Click on the “Back” button in the upper left part of the web page to go back. When students go back to review, then they may skip around in the section. This means there is no reason, other than laziness, to get less than full credit for these assignments.
  • The Edpuzzle video quizzes for this unit are optional assignments. Optional means that students can do them and get the score for that assignment if they complete them. If a student chooses not to do them, because she or he is lazy and do not want to earn relatively easy points that will help her or his grade out, then the student will be considered excused from this assignment. Optional does not mean extra credit. Once a student completes a quiz, she or he will get the score she or he earned. If a student does not want to do the assignment or does not want the score, the students should NOT finish the quiz. Once a student submits her or his answers for the last set of questions, the quiz is no longer optional.